Good health starts with good nutrition. With today’s farming methods depleting the natural mineral content of our lands, we can no longer rely on our foods to completely provide us with the essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. And because of this there are lot of health challenges this days that are not common before. Imagine even children with  diabetes? Due to this more people are turning to nutritional supplements as a means of getting sufficient quantities of those vital nutrients that can make a difference to their quality of health.


Aloe Vera  contains over 200 active components including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharide, and fatty acids – no wonder it’s used for such a wide range of remedies!
The thick gel found in the leaf of the aloe vera plant has been used for thousands of years to heal a variety of topical conditions. In fact, aloe gel was one of the most frequently prescribed medicines in the 18th and 19th centuries. The gel is composed of 95 to 99 percent water along with glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Glycoproteins stop pain and
inflammation , while polysaccharides stimulate skin growth and repair, making aloe gel an excellent cream for accelerating the healing process in burns and wounds. But aside from using the aloe gel to heal your skin, researchers have discovered drinking aloe vera juice can heal a broken heart. That is, preliminary research is beginning to confirm the beneficial use of aloe vera juice for preventing heart attacks and strokes.
Aloe vera produces two substances used for medicine: The gel is obtained from the cells in the center of the leaf, and the latex is obtained from the cells just beneath the leaf skin.Most people use aloe gel as a remedy for skin conditions, including burns, sunburn, frostbite, psoriasis and cold sores, but there is a host of other aloe vera benefits. Aloe gel is used for treating osteoarthritis, bowel diseases, fever, itching and inflammation. It’s also used as a natural remedy for asthma, stomach ulcers, diabetes and for soothing side effects of radiation treatment. Aloe latex is used to naturally treat depression, constipation, asthma and diabetes.


Aloe vera juice is made from the gel of the plant’s leaves. It is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, and a combination of B vitamins : B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, and niacin.
It also contains such minerals as copper, magnesium, calcium,
potassium, zinc, sodium, and iron as well as amino acids and enzymes.


What is aloe vera juice good for? There are a wide variety aloe vera juice benefits. First, it boosts the immune system and helps detoxify the body due to its high content of antioxidant nutrients. Second, research studies demonstrate that aloe juice can help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
Also, there is evidence that aloe vera juice can help ease constipation because of its high water content and enzymes, but it is generally not recommended for digestive issues as it can cause some abdominal cramping or diarrhea . (For digestive problems, other natural remedies such as probiotics or psyllium are recommended.
Results of a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology showed that aloe administration lowered liver production of cholesterol by about 30 percent.
Additional research has shown that consuming aloe vera decreases LDL “bad” cholesterol levels and reduces triglyceride levels while increasing blood HDL, or “good” cholesterol. This is very significant, as many natural remedies for cholesterol control work effectively at lowering LDL levels but do not always increase HDL levels. Therefore, using aloe vera juice to balance your total cholesterol ratio is uniquely beneficial.


It is hypothesized that aloe vera juice is one of the key home remedies for high blood pressure and improve overall heart health in a number of ways: Because aloe vera juice contains a high amount of vitamin C, it enhances circulation and strengthens veins and arteries.
Other nutrients in aloe vera juice help to dilate the capillaries and boost blood oxygenation, thereby offering therapeutic benefits on the cardiovascular system.
In one study of more than 5,000 patients over five years, successful results were reported after administering aloe vera combined with psyllium fiber to participants. Aside from reductions in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels, the following results were noted:
There was a decrease in frequency of angina attacks during the study period and patients had their drug dosages gradually reduced over time.
By the end of the study, 85 percent of the patients had their heart rhythm return to normal on an ECG.
A total of 2,151 of the patients were originally diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure); all of the patients taking beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, or diurectic medications to treat their hypertension and angina had to have their medication reduced to at least half their prescribed dosages.
The Bottom Line, Here’s a summary of the six aloe vera benefits for your heart, based on the cited research reports:
1. Lowers LDL cholesterol
2. Increases HDL cholesterol
3. Reduces triglycerides
4. Lowers blood pressure
5. Stabilizes heart rhythm
6. Reduces occurrence of chest pain (angina) attacks


One research study found that taking 10 mL or 20 mL of aloe vera water or juice orally daily for 12 weeks can reduce total cholesterol by about 15 percent, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by about 18 percent, and triglycerides by about 25 to 30% percent (5 or 10 mL). Then gradually increase the dose based on the manufacturer’s (or your doctor’s) instructions.


The preliminary research studies on aloe vera juice are promising. But to achieve the best results for heart attack and stroke prevention, it is recommended you combine aloe vera juice with other health strategies such as diet and exercise.

It’s used in traditional Indian medicine for constipation, skin diseases, worm infestation, infections and as a natural remedy for colic . In Chinese medicine, it’s often recommended in the treatment of fungal diseases, and in the Western world, it has found widespread use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries.In fact, the manufacturing of aloe vera extracts is one of the largest botanical industries in the world.


There have been numerous reports that have explored the role of topical aloe vera administration in skin conditions and wound healing management, including the treatment of psoriasis , dermatitis, oral mucositis, surgical wounds and as a home remedy for burn injuries. The first study of this kind was surprisingly done in 1935! Aloe vera extract was reported to provide rapid relief from the itching and burning associated with severe radiation dermatitis and skin regeneration.A 1996 study done at the Department of Clinical Physiology in Sweden included 60 patients with chronic psoriasis who participated in a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of aloe vera or placebo cream. The cure rate in the aloe vera group was 83 percent (!) compared to only 7 percent in the placebo group, and there were no relapses reported at the 12-month follow-up.In 2009, a systematic review summarized 40 studies that involved using aloe vera for dermatological purposes. The results suggest that oral administration of aloe vera in mice works effectively to heal wounds, can decrease the number and size of papillomas (small growths on the skin), and reduce the incidence of tumors by more than 90 percent in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. The studies also showed that aloe vera effectively treats genital herpes , psoriasis, dermatitis, frostbite, burns and inflammation. It can be used safely as an antifungal and antimicrobial agent.


Aloe vera gel has a protective effect against radiation damage to the skin. With the threat of nuclear warfare always looming, the U.S. government conducted research on the ability of aloe vera to treat thermal and radiation burns with the aim of introducing its use into the military.By 1959, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the use of aloe vera ointment as an over-the-counter medication for healing burns on the skin. When aloe vera gel is used on burns, it prevents UV-induced suppression so the area can heal at a faster rate.


When aloe vera gel is applied to a cold sore a few times a day, it eases the discomfort and helps speed the healing process. It’s also safe when consumed by mouth, so there is no need to worry about swallowing this natural treatment. Aloe vera has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that accelerate healing and reduce pain associated with cold sores — or any sores on the mouth.The amino acids and vitamin B1, vitamin B2 , vitamin B6 and vitamin C are also extremely helpful. One of the vitamin B6 benefits, for example, is it acts as a natural pain treatment and creates antibodies that our immune system uses to protect us.


Aloe vera is a great natural treatment for dry hair or an itchy scalp. It has nourishing properties, and the tons of vitamins and minerals that are present keep your hair strong and healthy. Because of aloe vera’s antibacterial and antifungal properties, it also helps with dandruff, and the gel’s enzymes can rid the scalp of dead cells and promote the regeneration of skin tissue around the hair follicles.Aloe also helps stop the itching associated with dandruff or a dried scalp. Too many shampoos and conditioners are full of chemicals that damage hair and can even cause inflammation and skin irritations; adding aloe vera is an effective way to keep your scalp free of bacteria and uncomfortable skin reactions.


The use of aloe latex as a laxative is well-researched; the anthraquinones present in the latex create a potent laxative that increases intestinal water content, stimulates mucus secretion and increases intestinal peristalsis, which are contractions that break down food and mix the chyme.In a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial of 28 healthy adults, aloe vera latex was reported to have a laxative effect compared to a placebo that was stronger than the stimulant laxative phenolphthalein — making aloe vera a natural constipation relief remedy.


Because of its anti-inflammatory and laxative components, another aloe vera benefit is its ability to help with digestion. Aloe vera juice helps digestion, normalizes acid/alkaline and pH balance, lessens yeast formation, encourages digestive bacteria and regularizes bowel processing.One study reported in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences found that 30 milliliters of aloe vera juice twice a day decreased the level of discomfort in 33 patients with irritable bowel syndrome . Flatulence also decreased for the participants, but stool consistence, urgency and frequency remained the same. Although the study suggests that aloe vera can be beneficial to people with IBS, more data is needed to conclude that it can be used as an effective treatment.Another study from the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine tested aloe vera on a group of rats with gastrointestinal problems. The gastric acid levels were significantly decreased in rats treated with aloe vera. The study also measured the gut-brain connection and reported data on the water content found in the brains of the rats with aloe vera treatment. The water content in the treated rats was reduced, which suggests that the brain influences the gut and gastrointestinal problems.Aloe vera has been used to soothe and heal stomach ulcers because it has antibacterial agents and natural healing properties that can restore the stomach lining back to health.


The enzymes present in aloe vera break down the proteins that we eat into amino acids and turn the enzymes into fuel for every cell in the body, which enables the cells to function properly. The bradykinase in aloe vera stimulates the immune system and kills infections. Zinc is also an important component in aloe vera — making it a great source to combat zinc deficiency — because it’s essential to maintain immune function.It helps us ward off diseases, kill bacteria and protect the function of our cell membranes. Zinc is also a key structural component for a slew of hormone receptors and proteins that contribute to healthy, balanced mood and immune function.A 2014 report points out that aloe vera is being studied for its uses in dentistry ; this is because it has proved to be be an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal plant, and it’s very good in building up the immune system without causing allergic reactions or side effects. It’s gaining popularity because it’s completely natural — and it’s being called a miracle plant.


We know that inflammation is at the root of most diseases . Aloe vera provides an amazing number of vitamins and minerals that help reduce inflammation and fight free radical damage. Vitamin A, for instance, plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function and healthy skin because it’s an antioxidant that reduces inflammation. Vitamin C is another important component found in aloe vera; it protects the body from cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease and even skin wrinkling. Vitamin E benefits include being a powerful antioxidant that reduces free radical damage, fights inflammation and helps naturally slow the aging of cells.These antioxidant properties are also helpful when you’re exposed to cigarette smoke or UV rays from sunlight — they protect the skin from skin cancer and fight skin inflammation after exposure to the sun. Aloe vera can also naturally treat acne and eczema since it helps the healing process in the skin. Bradykinase, also present in aloe vera, helps reduce excessive inflammation when applied to the skin topically.


Some evidence in humans and animals suggests that aloe vera is able to alleviate the chronic hyperglycemia and perturbed lipid profile that are common among people with diabetes and are major risk factors for cardiovascular complications. This addnatural diabetes cure to the list of aloe vera benefits.In two related clinical trials , 72 diabetic women without drug therapy were administered one tablespoon of aloe vera gel or a placebo for six weeks. Blood glucose and serum triglyceride levels were significantly decreased with aloe vera treatment. In the second trial, the effects of aloe vera gel or placebo in combination with glibenclamide, a commonly prescribed antidiabetic medication, were investigated; this, too, resulted in significant reductions in blood glucose and serum triglyceride concentrations in the aloe vera group.


It’s easy to find aloe vera products — including aloe gel which brings to introducing FOREVER


Find out why you should buy Forever aloe vera gel and not some other brand
I received a lot of questions and phone calls about the basic facts of aloe vera gel, so I decided to put down all the valuable information you will need to know!

 Q1.How much gel should I drink?
 This depends on why you are drinking aloe. Some people take a small amount 30-60ml per day to maintain their general well being. Others use it for specific reasons and ailments so drink up to 120ml or more a day. The average amount is 30-60ml per day. Some people, including the elderly, need less whereas those who are larger framed need more.Note: the ‘serving size’ 8floz printed on the side of the bottle is for nutritional comparison purposes only. It does not mean that 8floz is a recommended amount to drink in one serving.

Q2: Can I mix the gel drinks with anything else?
 Yes, you could try mixing it with pure fruit juice, cordial, honey or Pomesteen Power if you do not like the taste but after a while you will get used to it.

Q3: When is the best time to drink the gels?
 is best to take aloe on an empty stomach to get the maximum benefit. So, for example, you could take it first thing in the morning and before bed. You can take it all in one go or twice a day.

Q4: When should I start to feel some benefits from the gel drinks?
 Some people will feel obvious benefits within 6 weeks but it can take up to 3 months. There is a 30 day money back guarantee in place if you do not feel it has done anything for you within then. Drink aloe vera daily for 3 to 6 months and you should really see a difference.

Q5: How should I store the gel drinks?
 opened, the bottle needs to be stored in the fridge with the lid tightly closed. Shake the bottle before every use. The ‘use by’ date can be found on a label on the lid. Aloe Vera drinks will last for 5 years if unopened. Once opened, they will last for 6 months if refrigerated, and 1 month if not refrigerated.

Q6: Can children have the Aloe Vera Gel drinks?
Yes they can have the adult amount over 12 years, half of that amount for 6-12 years, quarter adult amount for 3-5 years, and a sixth of an adult amount from 3 years and below. For babies under 6 months old we recommend the Aloe Vera Juice (great for colic), a teaspoonful a day. When they start with the solids, you can mix their fruits or vegetables with aloe vera gel.

Q7: Which supplement is the best as a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral?
 Aloe Vera Gel and Berry Nectar are wonderful complete tonics to take on a daily basis containing 75 different vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. The Bee Pollen and the Fields of Green have both been described as ‘complete foods’, and both contain a whole range of vitamins and minerals in their most natural state.

Q8: How much Aloe Vera is in the gel drinks?
 Depending on which one you choose you will get 88-98% Aloe content- no added water.

Q9: Why buy Forever Living Aloe when there are cheaper brands?
Our Aloe Vera Gel is ‘essentially identical’ to the raw Gel. Forever Living aloe is grown on their own plantations in the USA and the Caribbean so we can be sure that no pesticides or herbicides are used. No artificial flavoring or coloring is added to our Gel. Our Aloe Vera Gel is also not homogenized or filtered but still contains the rich pulp.

Q10: How do I know the products work?
Although there are no guarantees that the products will be effective for everybody the company has operated a 30 day money back guarantee since its conception in 1978. The fact that it is still trading, and making profits, show that the products are loved worldwide.

Q11: How do you know the products are beneficial for the ailments as described?
 Forever Living employ 3 fully qualified experts who advise on the products use. Dr Peter Atherton advises on medical matters (and has been a GP), David Urch is a vet and Dorne Parker is a beauty therapist.

Q12: What do the logos in the symbols section meanForever Living Products is a member of the Direct Selling Association meaning they operate under a consumer code that is approved by the Office of Fair Trading.
 Living Products gained The International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval in 1986, which is a confirmation of excellence. Forever Living was the first company to meet and exceed the Council’s high standards and authorization.Another award came from The Islamic Society of California who tested several products and certified that they met all the requirements for product quality and acceptability to the Society. These very high standards reflect Forever Living's attention to cleanliness and purity in all stages of manufacture and packaging. Forever Living Products tests neither its products nor their ingredients on animals. They subscribe to the standards set by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).The Kosher rating has been given to products that meet very rigid standards of purity and quality for the Jewish community. In many circles, products with a Kosher rating are looked upon as being of a higher quality. There are many religious groups that use the `K' as a guide to safe and quality products.Forever Living has also been awarded the Investors in People Standard which shows they effectively manage and develop their people by giving them the right knowledge, skills and motivation to work efficiently.

Q13: Which products are suitable for Muslims?
All our products have been certified by the Islamic Society of California.

.Q14: Are Forever Living products suitable for Coeliacs/those intolerant of gluten?
Only two products should not be taken by coeliacs- Absorbent C, which contains oat bran, and Gin-Chia, which might contain gluten from the golden chia seeds. The Gel should help with the absorption of nutrients as it can help to heal any damage done to the digestive tract that has been left by the body trying to digest the gluten.

Q15: Are Forever Living Products organic?
Forever Living products are free from any pesticides or herbicidesand have always been grown or produced the way nature intended .Where can we buy the products?You will not find it in pharmacies, shops or other supermarkets. The only way you can get it from our office. We don't allow third parties in to our stuffs just to keep the efficacy of the product.


Luke J. September 15, 2014
Really good article, I learnt some things here I didn’t know! I have been drinking aloe every day for the last 6 months now and love it

Macy August 16, 2016
i drink pure aloe water, fresh from the garden , its bitter but it works
asha March 15, 2017
I have type 2 diabetes. My medication did not work for me. My fasting blood sugar was always above 200 some times above 250. one morning I tried the aloe along with my diabetic medication I took one half of an aloe leaf which i asume was too much and blended it with one carrot and my blood sugar moved from 256 to 136 after two hours and one hour later it went down to 117 and in an other hour it went down to 102. I keep taking it but much less about four ounces of aloe and my blood sugar keep staying down. so I am sure it is working

Michael M. May 18, 2017
I have used Aloe vera in juice and gel form for many years drinking it along with my regular diet,vitamin supplementation and exercise. However recently I have been using the inner gel from the whole leaf mixing in my smoothies. I have found that over a period of a few months that my G.I. tract functions excellent along with much clearer skin and over all much more vibrant health,sleep,etc. I can even feel a noticeable difference in the way my heart functions and it’s a great pleasant feeling as if my heart and body is repairing itself at a cellular level. There are no words to describe,yet it’s a excellent way to improve your health and well being in many different dynamics of the body. I one can find the whole plant leaf and use the inner gel fillet from some produce sections at select markets,you might fall in love from regular processed juices and gels on the market. If not there are a few great products,generally cold pressed and in light protected containers. Keep healthy living you all.

Paul j. October 7, 2017
Aloe vera gel of FOREVER LIVING product is excellent in the market than other products.

Sherry l. November 19, 2017
After 1 dose of aloe juice in water my stomach hasn’t felt this good in years I use it everyday the artherritis feels great I have a homeopathic dr he has Bly highest quality of products this stuff is great I can eat in comfort

Nomcebo February 2, 2018
I’m 47years started having arthritic pain in my 30s. Only started taking aloe gel recently. Nothing beats it. Its bitter taste no longer bother me

Elaine L. April 6, 2018
This was very helpful. I will share this with my doctor.

Sithembele p. April 29, 2018
It is helpful into my growth in my vaginal.I recommend others to use it.

Forever Aloe Vera Gel is the best you can get in the market
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